Panagiotis Tsiotras Interview: “Artificial intelligence as dangerous as nuclear weapons”
Panagiotis Tsiotras Interview at "Kathimerini" newspaper: "Artificial intelligence as dangerous as nuclear weapons"
Panagiotis Tsiotras Interview at "Kathimerini" newspaper: "Artificial intelligence as dangerous as nuclear weapons"
Presentation of P. Koumoutsakos in the Greek Parliament at a joint meeting of the Special Permanent Committee on Research and Technology and the Special Permanent Committee on Hellenic Diaspora.
John Tsitsiklis Interview at "Kathimerini" newspaper
Dr. Andreas Boudouvis, HIAS Board member, on HIAS mission and activities.
In January 2021, HIAS assembled a panel including world leading roboticists from the Hellenic diaspora, who volunteered their scientific expertise to provide a vision for Robotics in Greece. This monograph, entitled “Robotics in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era,” will hopefully trigger a dialogue towards the development of a national robotics strategy.
“Kathimerini” newspaper posted an article about HIAS, featuring an interview with two of its founding members, Dr. Koumoutsakos and Dr. Kaxiras.
Our vision is that Robotics in the AI era will be an essential technology of the future for the safety and security of the Hellenic nation, its environment and its citizens, for modernizing its economy towards Industry 4.0, and for inspiring and educating the next generation workforce for the challenges of the 21st century.